PMapServer7 was released on Jan 7 2005 at
about 5 pm Pacific time. These images were captured from a machine
running UI-View32 v2.03 with Precision Mapping 7 installed (officially Precision Mapping Streets & Traveler v7
from UnderTow Software) and PMapServer7 beta. Here are a few samples of it in action. The screenshots of
UI-View32 were grabbed with IrfanView and saved with a bit of compression,
and the captured maps are from "capture map" in the UI-View file menu. Click on the thumbnails to
view the images. Unless you have a very high resolution screen, there will be some horizontal and vertical
scrolling. Some browsers will resize images to fit the screen. To see them at their highest resolution, view
them full size. When viewing the "large" images, just click on
the picture (or use the back button) to return to this page. |
- Screenshot of the world with symbols removed.
(103 KB JPG 1392 x 947 pixels)
- Captured map of Victoria & Vancouver BC area, and the northwest corner of Washington State.
(156 KB PNG 1376 x 891 pixels)
- Screenshot of the UK... sorry, no roads!
(130 KB JPG 1390 x 1010 pixels)
- Captured map of Northwest USA / Southwest BC Canada with UI-NWS running. The shape files in the US
portion of the map show severe weather warnings (winter storm, winter weather, wind, etc.) on the map.
(79 KB PNG 1376 x 891 pixels)
- NWSGet - Seattle-Tacoma Radar image with map symbols (stations) hidden. UI-NWS is also running. Displayed
in PMapServer7.05 in UI-View32. This image was captured using UI-View's own "file - capture map".
(150 KB PNG 1400 x 1050 pixels)